A little something about McCarthy London

McCarthy London came from the idea of being loyal to perfume lovers. More precisely, this brand represents our desire to fulfil the ultimate perfume collector's dream. That is, to combine the quest for unique fragrance profiles with the power of scent.

A burning heart often beats under layers of unfathomable complexity. So, we chose London, a crucible of cultures and life's crossroads, as the ideal background. Each creation by McCarthy London is lavish praise to olfactory exploration. A touch of the colourful London lifestyle wrapped in The Big Smoke's most iconic symbols.

Of the many gifts England has given to the world, none has been greater than her language and literature. So, we first created six fragrances that spell distinct accords in perfumery. The result is a set of essence elixirs that enfold London's mystery, fierce quality, and reverence for sophistication.

The scented pathway to magnificence

Ignoring abused best-selling formulas and the fear of advancing in uncharted territory, McCarthy London offers mesmerizing blends of tenacious smells.
As a frag enthusiast, my scented journey began by discovering the classics. I enjoyed timeless masterpieces that bear the signature of world-renown master perfumers such as:

But over time, I longed for unique scents that made me stand out from the crowd. The more I searched for the perfect blend, the more I learned about raw materials and the art of perfume making.

Eventually, I lost interest in many products that failed my expectations. I stopped adding scents to my collection. Instead, I asked myself what perfume should do for the wearer.

When the answer found me, I was not prepared. So, I began experimenting with several ingredients and methods to achieve my vision. I put thousands of hours into the refinement of my first six perfumes. Above all, everything I did, I did it by hand. This is how I learned the artisanal skills necessary to offer you uncompromising formulas that delight your nostrils and cloak you in an irresistible aura.

The six dark pillars

Esprit Noir, Cuir Mystique, and Ombre Oud come in a black bottle. Instead, Santal Royal, L'Eau Bleue, and Rouge Animale have a dark one. These six fragrances are the epitome of elegance and intrigue.

Wearing any perfume of McCarthy London's first collection will make it hard to believe that you have ever made a true connection between a person, a perfume, and a moment in time.

Even though a fragrant mist appears ethereal, its trails can linger in our memories forever. Similarly, charisma and opulence find their way out of the atomizer when the formula is well blended. Our perfumes capture a romantic kiss under a light rain in Hyde Park. The righteous denial of a pure of heart in a historic London alley. Even the exotic ambience of Portobello Road Market. Explore and unveil the rare sensory compositions we made for you. Rejoice at the discovery of unique fragrances that put a genuine smile on your face.